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Developing an entrepreneurial mindset


The course aims is to provide faculty, administrative staff and the respective communities of the participating ASEAN universities with the knowhow, skillset and mindset required to initiate and sustain green entrepreneurship initiatives, with a special focus on imparting associated leadership / entrepreneurial skills to disadvantaged community groups.

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About This Course

The aim of this course is to provide faculty, administrative staff and the respective communities of the participating ASEAN universities with the knowhow, skillset and mindset required to initiate and sustain green entrepreneurship initiatives, with special focus on providing associated leadership / entrepreneurial skills to disadvantaged community groups.

The training objectives of the course are:

a. to familiarize academics and administrative staff with green entrepreneurship / leadership practices, teaching and support, thus building their capacity as green entrepreneurship trainers.

b. to provide a platform for green entrepreneurship trainers to present and support relevant ideas, solutions and recommendations to their respective communities by utilizing local opportunities and situations.

c. to create a sustainable network of green entrepreneurship trainers that will support the intra-university ANGEL network.

d. to offer a comprehensive green entrepreneurship / leadership skillset and mindset to the broader society.

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What you'll learn

  • Explain the main aspects of green entrepreneurship: the leader / entrepreneur, ideation and development, context and the green ecosystem
  • Identify the steps needed to develop a green entrepreneurship venture.
  • Recognize green business opportunities using creative techniques and strategically analyzing of the situation and environment.
  • Spotlight opportunities and methods of accessing financial resources.
  • Explain the critical stages in bringing a green startup venture to the market, while emphasizing leadership and team building.
  • Present a green product/service using pitching and sales presentation techniques.
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This MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is divided into modules, each one dealing with an important element for the development of a green startup. There are a total of five (5) modules included in this training program. Each module consists of three (3) lessons. It is recommended that you follow each lesson in the presented sequence. Make sure you are familiar with the concepts therein by attempting to complete the respective quizzes and exercises/workshops. Use the attached resources to further enhance your knowledge.


It is recommended that the Modules below are undertaken in the presented sequence although they can also be reviewed independently. Make sure you comprehend the main ideas and principles behind each module by attempting to respond to the quiz questions. The exercises and workshops which are included within each lesson should be undertaken because they touch on the practical element of each lesson’s material. Use the discussion forum to exchange ideas with fellow participants. Feel free to communicate with the mentors and coaches of this program for guidance.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What web browser should I use?

The Open edX platform works best with current versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Internet Explorer. For Safari web browser and only during the registration process, it is recommended to use the "Request Desktop Website" option for accessing the registration form.

Who can take this course?

This course is open to individuals in the broader community, students, teachers, and administrative staff of the 11 participant ASEAN universities.
  1. Course Number

  2. Classes Start

  3. Classes End

  4. Price

  5. Language

  6. Course Type

    Self-paced on your time

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This course is open to individuals in the broader community, students, teachers, and administrative staff of the 11 participant ASEAN universities.
